There's a difference between what đź”’ means to users vs browsers.
Different versions of your site can be running at the same time
Are you prepared for that? I'm not sure I am
Event listeners and garbage collection
Sometimes, leaving event listeners attached to an object feels like an anti-pattern, but sometimes it's fine. Here's how it works…
Service workers at TPAC
Last month we had a service worker meeting at the W3C TPAC conference in Fukuoka. For the first time in a few years, we focused on possible new features and behaviours. Here's a summary:
Figuring out probabilities with JavaScript and (ugh) maths
Who has the fastest website in F1?
Can I predict the winners of the 2019 F1 season by looking at the performance of their websites? No. But I'm gonna anyway.
A declarative router for service workers
We're thinking of adding a declarative router to service workers, and we want feedback.
What happens when packages go bad?
How much damage can a malicious package do to a static site, and what can be done about it?
I discovered a browser bug
I accidentally discovered a huge browser security bug. Here's what it does, and how I discovered it…
Third party CSS is not safe
A few days ago there was a lot of chatter about a 'keylogger' built in CSS, but the real problem is thinking that third party content is 'safe'.