The offline cookbook

ServiceWorker brief overview gives you control over caching and how requests are handled. It doesn't give you patterns, you create them yourself. Let's look at a few!

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Iterators gonna iterate

ES6 gives us a new way to iterate, and it's already supported in stable releases of Firefox, Chrome, & Opera. Here it is…

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Launching ServiceWorker without breaking the web

With ServiceWorkers you can control requests to any page on your origin, and any of the subresource requests made by those pages. This is powerful stuff, and I'm curious to know what security measure you think is appropriate…

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Minimising font downloads

Optimising fonts is pretty difficult for larger sites. There's an easy solution, although only some browsers support it.

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Improving the URL bar

iOS has hidden the pathname of URLs for some time now, but recently Chrome Canary introduced something similar behind a flag.

I'm not involved in the development of Chrome experiment at all, but I've got more than 140 characters worth of opinion on it…

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visibility: visible undoes visibility: hidden

If you set an element to display: none the browser ignores all of its children, if a child sets itself to display: block it will remain hidden. This isn't true of visibility.

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Jake Archibald in a garden with a black cat

Hello, I'm Jake and that's me there. The one that isn't a cat. I'm a developer of sorts.



Feel free to throw me an email, unless you're a recruiter, or someone trying to offer me 'sponsored content' for this site, in which case write your request on a piece of paper, and fling it out the window.